Live Better
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Wonder More
Inspired by Sunday Assembly London
A Belief In People, Not Dogma

Time & Location
19 Apr 2020, 11:00
Online Event - Zoom
About the event
Join us once more for our online chat about nothing in particular.
Last Sunday's format appeared to work well enough but we think things will run smoother with Zoom next time rather than Google Meet.
Once again we will have imaginary tables in our virtual coffee shop. Each table is hosted by one of us. Each table will not too big so we can all join in the conversations - perhaps 4 or 5 people.
Stephen will host table 1 to get us going, and we'll organize other tables closer to the day
We are going to use Zoom for the actual chats, as this is what we are thinking of using for the Virtual Assembly and it would be nice to experiment with this.
Shortly before the event, we will paste some links to the "tables" and all you will need to do it click on them. If you can't get "refused" to a table that is because it is full, so try another table.
We'll be keeping an eye on table number and we create new tables as and when they are needed. We will also encourage people to move between the tables.
*Hosting a table* As a host, you will merely be controlling numbers, helping people new to the technology, and ensuring everyone can contribute to the conversations if they want to do so. Just let the chat flow.
Post here if you would like to be a host, if needed.
If you find you're at an empty table, leave and come back here to find others.
*Zoom* Go to https://zoom.us/download and install the free app for your device. The free version is all you need. Sadly, the free version limits chat to 40mins. This is not a problem - it will be an ideal time to create new tables and allow people to move about/
I'll post a link to a test group if you want to test your zoom skills a little before the start time. More detail to come. *Some etiquette* Once in the video session, it can be easier to follow a busy conversation if all but the speaker mute their microphone and each can unmute to indicate they want to speak.
*How to create another table*
If a table looks too busy (e.g. more than 5 people) create a new table and post a link to it as a new post.
Here's how to do that:
*How to create and share your table*
There's a big "New Meeting" button on app.
There have been reports of people spamming online meetings so I would recommend turning off screen sharing, disable virtual background for users (unless you know everyone) and implement the waiting room feature.