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Inspired by Sunday Assembly London
A Belief In People, Not Dogma
Walking To The Rising Sun Arts Centre
17 min walk from Station Approach.
14 mins walk from the Hexagon
33 mins walk from the Caversham shops.
Driving To The Rising Sun Arts Centre
The parking is extremely limited at The Rising Sun and must be prioritized for volunteers carrying heavy equipment. If you have mobility issues, we may be able to squeeze you in, but contact us beforehand, as cars do get blocked in.
Some parking options:
The River Side Car Park, Holy Brook Car Park - 7mins.
Euro Car Parks, Horse and Barge - 8mins (£3.00)
Parking on Premier Inn Reading Central RG1 - 5 mins
Crown House Car Park - 1 min (book a space) (£6.50)
There are Pay And Display parking spaces along London Street.
Whitley Street Car Park - 8 mins and is free.
Bus stops nearby: https://www.reading-buses.co.uk/